Luke Reeve takes pen to paper for "Letters from Home," a Festival of Children Foundation program designed to teach kids about philanthropy and put a smile on the faces of over 10,000 of our troops!
On April 12th Festival of Children Foundation and Team Kids kicked off "Letters from Home," a month-long letter writing campaign for our troops, with the hope of breaking a Guinness World Record for "most letters to military personnel in one month."
4,397 letters have been received so far. 5,604 more letters are needed by May 12, 2014 in order to break the Guinness World Record!
Letters can be mailed to:
Festival of Children Foundation
3315 Fairview Road
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Or written letters can be scanned and emailed to To download a template, visit
All letters received by May 12, 2014 will count toward the Guinness World Record!